Cancer Treatments

Life has its inherent risks, and unfortunately, as age takes its toll, either ourselves or someone we love may go through the pain of a cancer diagnosis. By helping fund the development of potential treatments now through the Cancer Research Institute, our aim is to hopefully lessen that burden for future generations as well as for those dearest to us.

Who are they:

Established in 1953, the Cancer Research Institute (CRI) is a nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to harnessing the immune system's power to conquer all cancers by researching and implementing state-of-the-art immunotherapies.

How they contribute towards cancer treatments and research:

They fund innovative research from aspiring young scientists, invest in clinical studies of promising new treatments, and serve as a bridge between the lab and the clinic. CRI has invested $445 million to fund more than 3,200 scientists around the world. With nearly 70 years' experience funding research on the immune system and cancer, CRI is leading the way and ushering in a new era when patients with all types of cancer can be treated and cured with immunotherapy. Moreover, CRI-funded research is also contributing to efforts to combat and cure autoimmune and infectious diseases, including COVID-19.

What is their vision:

“Save more lives by fueling the discovery and development of powerful immunotherapies for all types of cancer.”


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